The Courier Management System is web app that helps a courier company or businesses manage their customers’ parcels or packages details. The system stores all the branches or the company that can also be used when setting a destination where the recipient will pick up their packages or parcels. The system has a tracking feature where can help to monitor the movement of the customer’s parcel. 

The system has two types of user which is the Admin user and the Branch Staff user. The Admin user can manage all the data in the system, including managing the branches and branches staff user. The Branch user can only track a parcel and manage the list of packages where the origin or the destination of a parcel under the logged-in staff branch. The couriered items have multiple statuses, which are the “Item Accepted by Courier”, “Collected”, “Shipped”, “In-Transit”, “Arrived At Destination”, “Out for Delivery”, “Ready to Pickup”, “Delivered”, “Picked-up”, and “Unsuccessful Delivery Attempt”. These statuses will help to determine the movement of the parcel. The system also generates a report between two dates and selected quality. The couriered items of the clients can be set into “Deliver” and “Pickup.” The parcels marked as “Deliver” are the items to be delivered directly to the recipient.

Unlimited Users

Unlimited Databases Size

Server 12 GB RAM-6 CPU Cores

Daily Backup

Secure Service

support 24/7

** Demo Login **

email :

password : admin123

The price does not include hosting

after purchasing, within 24 hours, you will receive an email containing a link to your copy and your username and password

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